At the approach of the First World War centenary celebrations, we invite you to follow the career path of the artist George Desvallières, from the time of his involvement in the First World War at the age of fifty-three, when he was appointed battalion commander of the Chasseurs Alpins.
In her new book George Desvallières et la Grande Guerre, Catherine Ambroselli de Bayser proposes a detailed account of this key period of the artist's life, largely based on his wartime correspondence with family and friends. In parallel with events behind the lines, the four sombre years spent on the Vosges Mountains front are described month by month: they reveal the day-to-day life of this Christian artist-warrior, and cast an unique light on his subsequent great series of paintings born of his decisive experiences on the battle-field.
On this occasion, the Somogy publishing house has decided to re-edit the author's first book George Desvallières et le Salon d'Automne, which describes the committed artist, president of a revolutionary salon, defending art in all its forms. The book recounts the first ten years of this artistic adventure based on some completely documented research, particularly on the correspondence between the main founders of the famous Salon.
In these two books, George Desvallières emerges as a many-faceted painter, a great humanist and a most remarkable artist.
Copyright © Catherine Ambroselli de Bayser, March 2013.